So today in the mail was a nice little surprise from my health insurance company. It seems that I have surpassed my annual coverage. This comes as a surprise as my nose surgery was the first of the year. Apparently they don't cover jack shit as far as total amount is concerned. So now we owe over 4k out of pocket. And I pay almost 200 a month for this bullshit? Sorry folks, but surgery is out of the question these days as insurance companies are just here to rape your wallet. You actually thought we would cover a substantial portion? HAHAHAHA, stop kidding.
What is even worse is I went and did a search online for different plans and unless I want to spend twice as much as I do now then there is no real viable solution.
What a joke.
I know what you mean. I hate insurance nowadays. I made the mistake of choosing a doctor online through the insurance company. By the time I got there, he evidently came off of the list which leaves me paying 100%. WTF? Aren't you supposed to pay a percentage Mr Big and Wealthy insurance company? Oh.. Hell no! You haven't met your deductible. !!@?!!